Saturday, December 13, 2008

O' Tannenbaum!

The kids were very excited to put up the tree this year. It is so fun that they now look forward to some of the Christmas traditions. We played Christmas music and danced a little while we opened boxes and rediscovered old decorations. We had a great time just putting the decorations up and trying to figure out where to put them all. The kids loved finding their old hand-made decorations and always made sure to put them in a very special place on the tree. Troy was a little confused about why a new-found shiny ball would shatter after throwing it on the ground. He just stood there for a while with a little frown and his big blue eyes looking up at us like they were trying to understand what just happened. I think the broken ball hurt his feelings. He's so tender-hearted. I had to run out and buy another star for the top since my star's lights refused to light up. You can't have a dark star!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Nice post honey! If any of you understood that you are very smart and have an intricate understanding of brain stuff. As you can see, I don't. Anyway, it really was fun just to get away and enjoy some time with my man. He's so smart (but I can still beat him at Scrabble)!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our Hot Date - A Look Into Rachel's Head

For some time now (okay, a very long time) I have been working on my Master's Degree at UNLV. My research is focused on the brain's response to Olfaction (smell). I would tell Rachel about it and she would understand very little. The more we talk the more she "gets it" and thinks it is actually pretty neat. Well, a couple weeks ago we had a chance to get out for the evening (thanks to Sister Bevel for offering to watch the kiddies). There was still some work I had to get done, so I actually took Rachel out with me to get her brain scanned on our 3T MR scanner. We did a Diffusion Tensor Image (DTI) and also an olfactory response. This is a picture of her Rt and Lt DTI of the white matter tracts originating at the corpus callosum. I didn't have a chance to process the Olfactory response images yet, but I can post those some other day. We had a good time and it was very inexpensive. I'll take you out "for reals" , real soon honey. I love you and thanks for stickin' with me.

Left lateral view of her fiber tracts

Right lateral view of her fiber tracts
Aren't they beautiful?
If anyone wants to have their brain scanned, please let me know. We are always looking for volunteers. It is usually late at night, you need to be at least 18 years of age, and we image at NV Imaging Centers (NIC) in the Southwest part of Las Vegas.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanks Be...

Troy Boy trying to play a little ball with the big boys.

Jeremy is in the yellow Brazil jersey, it turns out that there were a lot of Brazilians and Brazil fans there, and Ryan is in the orange and blue shirt. GOOOLLLL! (That's Portuguese for goal, just so ya know).

Sam and Leah trying to get in on the action.

While waiting for the food to be done, the kids decided to turn Grandma's bathroom into a beauty parlor. They invited people in to get their hair done. Shaunie made a sign that said it was only "$1 or Free" and when you left you got a tootsie roll. I must say that everyone had wonderful hair for Thanksgiving.

We had a delightful day of family, food and soccer for Thanksgiving. Umm, yes, I said soccer. It turns out that our friends like soccer more than football. We started the day very early when Kristin and Ryan came to stay Wednesday night and got here around 11:30pm. We stayed up talking about lots of good stuff and didn't get to bed until around 1 or 2am. I loved spending the time with them and I loved the political talk (thanks Ryan). We got up around 7 and I did everything I could to keep the kids from jumping on a very sleepy Ryan and Kristin. Finally, Kristin got up, no doubt woken up by my kids' very loud "whispers" and overall silliness. Ryan soon followed and then the party really started. We ate breakfast, it was one of the few times that we had pancakes for breakfast, and then we headed over to a soccer game with some ward members and friends at the high school down the street. I got some great action shots as you can see. We came home for a quick shower and then gathered everyone and everything in Jeremy's new-to-you Pacifica and headed over to Grandma's House. It was not over the river and through the woods, but it was sufficiently exciting regardless. We hung around for a while and then I started cooking. I made the deviled eggs, sweet potatoes, rolls and taught Teri how to season a turkey. By the way, the turkey turned out DIVINE! I could have eaten half the turkey by myself!. Anyway, we ate a late dinner to make sure everyone who worked could be there for the feast. I must say that the food was delicious and the company very delightful, but my favorite part of the day was the rain. It poured on us and I was very grateful. It turns out that it CAN rain in Vegas. Thanks.

Tastefully Simple Party

I am inviting everyone to come to my house for a Tastefully Simple Party on Wednesday, December 10th from 6:00pm to 8:00ish. Tastefully Simple sells amazingly yummy gourmet appetizers, desserts, breads, spreads, soups, etc. They are delicious and perfect for any special occasion. Come hungry and taste all these yummy treats and if you want, order some for your family and friends. Don't feel bad if you come late, we'll save some for you. If you can't attend but want to buy something you can go online at and order something from my party there. I suggest the key lime cheese ball with graham twists or beer bread!